luohe qinyu feather products co. ltd
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ostrich feather duster m28

ostrich feather duster m28
a.the premium ostrich feathers having no static, after made be feather duster, suitable for cleaning electrical appliance, furniture, computer, electrical industry, etc.
b.grey ostrich feather dusters come from female birds and black ostrich feather dusters come from male birds. the black feathers are softer and trap dirt better, so try to buy one with black feathers, however black will be more expensive as there are approximately 4 female birds to ever 1 male bird.
c.the great thing about a feather duster is that it is easy to clean. simply hold the duster near the floor and shake it vigorously. the dust will fall to the floor.
clean: do not getting the duster wet (bird live outside) but do not use the duster wet, it will not work. the best way to dry a duster is to get an empty and clean glass and put the duster upside down in the glass to let it dry.
in a word, if you want to use feather dusters in your home, you should be using the ostrich down feather duster. the chicken feather duster may be great at beating up baddies in ip man but isn’t all that great when it comes to dusting, and the synthetic plastic dusters fare even worse.